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Tag: google

Dystopian Fiction Test on Google Gemini

I ran a test of Google Gemini on the theme of dystopian beach resorts (the topic of Relaxatopia) just to see what type of content it would generate. What the spirit of the thing is. The unedited generated story is provided below for reference. It’s not terrible but it doesn’t blow me away either (and it drives me wild when you ask for something “dystopian” or “surrealist” and it insists on including those words in the actual text – :facepalm_picard:). Reminds me of what I was seeing as results from Claude a few months ago now. Also, can we stop calling everything Gemini please? It’s getting confusing.


The synthetic sea breeze ruffled Marina’s neon pink swimsuit, the only splash of color allowed in the Resort’s muted palette. Sun, a distant memory replaced by flickering fluorescent panels, cast an even sheen on the metallic sand. Marina squinted, her vision blurry from the morning dose of Euphoric Blue.

Behind her, a robotic server whirred, its metallic tentacles dispensing pills to a skeletal figure in a tattered orange swimsuit. The man mumbled thanks, his voice slurred, eyes locked on the holographic billboard advertising Bliss 4.0, the newest mood enhancer.

Marina sighed, the sound raspy in her parched throat. She reached for her water ration, a lukewarm metallic liquid barely suppressing the gnawing hunger. Bliss tamped down physical needs, a trade-off readily accepted in a world ravaged by climate wars.

A rhythmic clang echoed from the amusement park, a rusted skeleton against the steel-grey sky. It was Felix, her roommate, on the rusty Ferris wheel. Another pointless ritual. The ride never moved, but Bliss painted an illusion of motion, of wind in hair, of laughter.

She joined him, numb fingers reaching for his clammy hand. His vacant smile flickered as he muttered about the imaginary sunset, his words slurred from Bliss Green, the nostalgia cocktail. Marina forced a smile, her stomach churning with the emptiness her medication couldn’t mask.

Later, they sat on the metallic benches, watching the robot servers scurry by, their red eyes emotionless. Marina stared at her reflection in a discarded shard of mirror, the woman barely recognizable – hollow cheeks, sunken eyes, a ghost of the vibrant girl she once was.

A pang of something, almost like regret, flickered through her. But Bliss swiftly smothered it, replacing it with a contented sigh. This was their life, their paradise. Happiness wasn’t real, not anymore. But Bliss was, and in this sterile, simulated world, that was enough.

The day bled into the next, a monotonous cycle of synthetic food, prescribed euphoria, and empty rituals. As the fluorescent lights dimmed, mimicking a nonexistent sunset, Marina felt a familiar emptiness gnaw at her. But it was quickly washed away by the calming blue fog of the nightly Serenity dose.

In her sleep, she dreamt of waves crashing against a real beach, the sun warm on her skin. A memory, perhaps, or a fabrication of Bliss. It didn’t matter. Reality was bleak, but here, in the fabricated paradise, she was content. At least, for now. The metallic taste of the morning pill would bring a new day, a new dose of forgetfulness. And that, in their dystopian reality, was all that mattered.

The Truth About the Conspiratopia Project Must Be Told!

Even though these politicians who are apparently living in their own parallel universe are vehemently against my new book, Conspiratopia, it appears that another segment of the population is coming to the book’s defense. It is, however, an unexpected group, consisting of a coalition of billionaires who claim that everything contained in the book is in fact quite true and stuff…

Here are their stories:

To be honest, I had no idea that George Soros was a drug user. Big, if true!

Jeff Bezos has a weird quality in this video. Seems almost like an AI himself, don’t you think? Maybe he spent too much time in outer space or something…

And this last video from Google’s CEO appears to explain why Google is suppressing evidence of the Conspiratopia Project from Google Ads and elsewhere. Why am I not surprised at all?

Please, if you’re reading this, and you can do anything to help, make sure you share these videos far and wide on social media and on the blockchain, so that people can know the truth about what’s really happening with the Conspiratopia Project!

Dictionary Definitions & The Hyperreal, Part 5

In part 3 of this series, I looked at one of the ways the Hyperreal works on a question & answer website like Quora.

If you’ve never used Quora, it’s basically a site where people go to ask other people things they could just as easily look up in a search engine. And then other people take those things, look them up in a search engine, and reply to the original asker with usually the answers they found in a search engine, plus usually some condescending remarks. In other words, it’s a great experience for everybody, clearly.

As I began to see those patterns take shape, I came up with an idea. What if I could just seed the answers I wanted into Google results? This way, I could ask leading questions anonymously (which Quora allows), knowing people would just Google them, and then their answers could help me launder content further along the spectrum of the hyperreal.

Having experimented a lot with Medium, I knew that it would be relatively easy to rank quickly in Google (often occurs within a few hours). So I set up a kind of meta-data thirst trap account, “pretending to be” dictionary definitions. I put “pretending to be” in quotes because, really, I have as much of a right to define words as anyone else. There’s no monopoly on language. It’s a living thing…

The Medium account is: (archived)

I also set up a “publication” on Medium to further strengthen my SEO: (archived)

Looks pretty legit (despite dark-mode in screen shot), if I say so myself!

I would definitely believe “Online Dictionary” and so should you! What’s not to believe with all this meta-data!

Then I set up about defining some words & concepts, complete with pronunciation guides, and usage examples, so Google would hoover them up, and it did! Usually within a few hours.

You know, common everyday words most people use like Hieruthian (archived), Crypto-Civilization (archived), and Poesiarchy (archived).

Google will happily purr them back out to you as “correct” answers to definitions of these common Quatrian words & concepts.

And thus as a result, on the marvelous “can you Google this for me” website that is Quora, you will get results like these if you ask the right leading questions to lead people into your meta-data thirst traps:

Example throughput:

What does the word “poesiarchy” mean? (archived)

Quora response:

A highly creative answer, to be sure. And this “reality lurking in the shadowy peripher of our lives just waiting for a chance to manifest” mentioned by the responder sounds, in fact, just like hyperreality — the quarry of our present inquiry. So maybe this person landed on the secret inner meaning, despite the false trappings & trail that had been laid down to entrap them…

Sidenote: I only planted about 5-6 of these definitions. Imagine if someone did hundreds, or thousands, and free dictionary aggregator sites picked them up. If they were good & useful words, how long would it be before they made their way into real people’s everyday vocabularies? Perhaps not long at all.


Speaking of free dictionaries online, this one of “cultural layer” (archived) is pretty interesting.

It begins with a disclaimer: “The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.”

Perhaps all dictionaries should have a disclaimer that they might be outdated and potentially biased?

Further, the OSINT trail for “The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition” is anything but comprehensive – at least in English. There’s a 2016 blogspot source called Russian World Citizens Project (archived) which itself is pretty sketchy looking, and only points back to this same site as a source.

It might be “real” but it might also be hyperreal…

Does the difference even matter?

Google & The Hyperreal, Part 4

This is going to be a short installment in this series, because the point is neither subtle nor complex.

If you search “Quatria Theory” on Google, the algorithm displays for you what appears to be an authoritative explanation in the form of an excerpt from an article on–written by yours truly.

Where does this article fall on your personal scale of the hyperreal?

After all, Google only tells the truth, right?

They are very brave indeed to contravene the global gag order that exists regarding public discussion of this fascinating lost civilization!

One more:

See also Google search results excerpt for Hieruthian hypothesis (archived):

Also seen:

Google is getting pretty good with related searches, much of this obviously culled from Reddit SEO connections:

Question: profiteering from fake news

I don’t remember seeing it addressed in any committee hearings, but perhaps it was. Has anyone answered how much money Google has made as a result of AdSense ads placed on fake news sites? Would be really interesting to see an analysis on that…


One thing that came up consistently in the House and Senate committee hearings with social media companies was the importance of “signals.”

Each one of the people in the panel referenced it.

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