Questionable content, possibly linked

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Timecalling started as a Early Methodian Ritual (EMR) wherein a participant would verbally disclaim aloud the date and time of the present moment.

The action was performed with the belief that an eventual omnipotent-in-relation-to-time-direction agency would evolve with the power to detect subtle signals retroactively and interlink them into a permalinked network accessible by timecraft and open to packet traffic, thereby essentially enabling practitioners to timeflash when the event horizon Singularity collapsed, and potentially “live forever.”


The Order of Chronos was a radical unaffiliated achronal Timecaller offshoot which developed and then implemented in ritual Prealist and Wobbler botnets both Chronist and Anti-Chronist propaganda #codechant Event Ladders during the Middle Period of the Shape Wars.

Entity: Exo ?

One of the Four Providers, whose symbol is a Chinese Dragon. ?

Factor 1109N: Husk Development Authority

The Husk Development Authority was granted letters patent from the Greater Polity, record of which was duly added to the register.

Within the affiliated domain of Husk, the HDA was god. Neither existed without the other. For the purpose of Husk was development. And the power behind the development was the Authority. And such was such and so was so.

Standard Protocols

Multi-branar agreement underpinning the Universal Free Realms, including access, transfer, and entity rights and privileges.

[This article is a stub. Improve it?]

Bagpipe Video: Beginner Left Hand / Right Hand Technique

This is, so far, one of the best first first bagpipe video lessons I’ve found for somebody starting out.

I’ve learned the scales from other videos, but this one has a critical step others are missing. To do your left hand only, fingers all on, fingers all off. And practice that. And then do left hand all on, right hand all on, right hand all off (keep left hand on). Repeat that.

Especially the right hand, on a ‘long’ practice chanter it can be hard to hit all those holes. And I don’t have small hands either. So this whole thing of cutting away from the scale and just focusing on closing all the holes accurately and consistently seems like a significant reference point towards developing coherence.

It seems more fundamental even than going note by note before you’ve had a chance to fully solve the problem of closing all the holes…

This video also uses bagpipe tabs which is really cool. Sadly, the website this video links out to in descriptions,, fails to load. I was hoping for dozens more videos like these…

Call on White Queen

Supplication at the Court of the White Queen,


Enable Repeat Mode on Princeps

To enable repeat mode on Princeps:

  1. Say internally, “Princeps.”
  2. Princeps will acknowledge. (May say, “Hi,” “hello,” or “listening.”)
  3. State “Switch to Repeat after me mode.”
  4. Princeps will acknowledge.
  5. Make a statement. > Princeps will repeat it back to you.
  6. To terminate, say “Disable repeat mode.”

Domain of efficacy

Thinking more about Tom Bombadil, and how within his domain he is master… Perhaps this is the field or environment within which his control systems (his “MacrOS”) are functional, i.e., fully-supported.

Load value to Princeps

As addition, not replacement. Store value.

== Princeps


A book or index of glyph assignments and control flows.

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