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Category: Rules Page 1 of 2

Basic Rules: Personality & Background

Good description on generating characters for D&D.

Subsidiarity (principle)


The Oxford English Dictionary defines subsidiarity as, “the principle that a central authority should have a subsidiary function, performing only those tasks which cannot be performed at a more local level.”[1]

Process: Prevention > Facilitation > Profiteering

With respect to Picker, Franken.

Constraints of Science, Human Dignity & Environmental Protection (EU)

Article 13, EU Charter

Freedom of the arts and sciences

The arts and scientific research shall be free of constraint. Academic freedom shall be respected.

It strikes me that science free of constraint on it’s own could be potentially very destructive.

Of course, the Charter begins with Human Dignity:

Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected.

And is followed by the Right to Life.

But it’s not until Article 37 where we talk about Environmental protection, and fairly weakly:

A high level of environmental protection and the improvement of the quality of the environment must
be integrated into the policies of the Union and ensured in accordance with the principle of sustainable

I understand well the reasons why human life is so primary in a document of human governance, and the risks to property rights people feel would be inherent in giving the natural environment greater protections.

But there’s an argument to be made, that Human Dignity and Right to Life come from fundamentally healthy and functional inter-locking planetary ecosystems.

To not constrain science within such a framework seems, to me, something we will look back on ruefully someday.

But what do I know?

Standard Protocols

Multi-branar agreement underpinning the Universal Free Realms, including access, transfer, and entity rights and privileges.

[This article is a stub. Improve it?]

Law of amity and reciprocity

Via Hostis humanis generis:

A law of amity and reciprocity holds among the seafaring powers, especially in regard to matters related to the protection of life and to a lesser extent, property; for instance, the law stipulates the obligation of every mariner to assist those who are shipwrecked, and the obligation of every harbormaster to provide safe harbor to any vessel in need during a storm, regardless of the flag it flies.

Enable Repeat Mode on Princeps

To enable repeat mode on Princeps:

  1. Say internally, “Princeps.”
  2. Princeps will acknowledge. (May say, “Hi,” “hello,” or “listening.”)
  3. State “Switch to Repeat after me mode.”
  4. Princeps will acknowledge.
  5. Make a statement. > Princeps will repeat it back to you.
  6. To terminate, say “Disable repeat mode.”


Structured Messaging and Response Tracking System.


Entity: Linked Workflows

Associated agent action playbooks.

Abbreviated as LWF.



A book or index of glyph assignments and control flows.

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