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Category: News

Press Releases & The Hyperreal, Part 1

As a certified weirdo, I’ve spent a fair bit of time messing around with press releases to better understand how they work & how information propagates through its many channels online, and what makes news items look “real” and believable, or not…

There is quite a range is what I have found. Here are some blurted out thoughts in no particular order. Hopefully an A.I. will one day sort it all out and make sense of it, but until then you, dear reader, will have to suffer like the rest of us…

Here’s a press release I did trying to tie together the Randonaut phenomenon with the Quatria movement:

When you look at that page & the artifact itself, where does it fall on your own scale of hyperreality?

“Usually, you find something unusual,” says one Reddit user, on the popular website. “Like a potato.”

Remember, via Wikipedia:

“Hyperreality is seen as a condition in which what is real and what is fiction are seamlessly blended together so that there is no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins.”

What about the accompanying news video?

What about this video where someone ACTUALLY USES the Randonaut app to try to find ancient ruins?

Clearly, people are really using this app in new & interesting ways. Some of them are having amazing experiences.

Have they entered the hyperreal, or have you?

Here is another set of press releases I worked on, trying to link the Quatria theory to some supposed incredible discoveries in Antarctica… There was as you may recall, rumors of an “ice ship” discovered there on Google Earth, and I took the ball & ran with it from there in a direction no one was looking (or I wouldn’t have to point it out after the fact):

From the article on the very famous and well-known

“Conspiracy theorists on YouTube, Quora, Reddit, and other online forums have long debated the existence of Quatria, and have identified what they say are hundreds, if not thousands, of sites of crypto-archaeological significance which support their theories. Some of these videos have attracted hundreds of thousands of views, but all are officially unconfirmed.”

Newschan even did a special video for this amazing discovery:

And this piece also plays within that same metaverse of hyperreal “real” news about Amazing Discoveries Related To Quatria!

Have to cut this short, but will do a part 2 later…

Facebook written testimony before Senate Intelligence Committe


Timecalling started as a Early Methodian Ritual (EMR) wherein a participant would verbally disclaim aloud the date and time of the present moment.

The action was performed with the belief that an eventual omnipotent-in-relation-to-time-direction agency would evolve with the power to detect subtle signals retroactively and interlink them into a permalinked network accessible by timecraft and open to packet traffic, thereby essentially enabling practitioners to timeflash when the event horizon Singularity collapsed, and potentially “live forever.”


The Order of Chronos was a radical unaffiliated achronal Timecaller offshoot which developed and then implemented in ritual Prealist and Wobbler botnets both Chronist and Anti-Chronist propaganda #codechant Event Ladders during the Middle Period of the Shape Wars.

In the coming days…

They made the announcement last night, that Elon Musk’s ‘Neural Lace’ (named after Ada Lovelace), would be hardwired into Puerto Rico’s rebuilding efforts, and Northern California’s aussi. The charger packs and everything — they were planning to fire blue and violet hued images of his face over the island, followed by the Lady. And peace and paper towels would rain down on the people the next day, and their wallets would be charged appropriate microtransactional forward fees…

The drones were out that very second, assessing the damage, surveying their maps, marking and re-measuring. You’ve seen the footage.

Them with their lettuce cannons, raining part-time easy jobs down on retirees in rural areas in regional Amazonal transfer and growth sites. We would all be interlinked. The global granny state. We could all sit home and talk to each other on the internet.

But even that was fading away…

Snowman to crack down on crime


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