We also have the idea of Space Nazis which was proposed by insiders such as William Tompkins who worked for the US Navy during World War II, and said he was part of a Navy espionage program that monitored the Nazi’s flying saucer program. Tompkins asserted that the Germans successfully established a breakaway colony in Antarctica which became a space power over the succeeding decades.
According to Tompkins and other insiders, the Germans have established colonies on Mars, Ceres, and elsewhere in Deep Space, and have developed some of the most advanced aerospace technologies known to humanity. Given their non-state status, the breakaway German Antarctic/Mars colonies may also be considered a modern form of space pirates.
Finally, we have the idea of a transnational corporate network that has developed its own space fleet that operates outside of any national or global institutional authority. According to insiders such as Corey Goode, the Conglomerate has the most advanced spacecraft in existence as a result of their long-time cooperation with the breakaway German group in Antarctica.
Source: The Black Vault (forum thread)
Tim B.
Describes alleged under-ice submarine navigable passages to caverns below the glaciers…
“Furthermore, documents, and statements by Admiral Donitz, support Tompkins claims that Nazi Germany had succeeded in locating and building underground facilities under the Antarctic continent. The long route under the Antarctic ice sheets, which the German submarine fleet allegedly took to reach these hidden caverns, gives credence to Tompkins claims that Reptilian extraterrestrials had provided the Nazis with the information necessary to locate the hidden Antarctic caverns, and the under-ice passage ways to reach them.”