Questionable content, possibly linked

Example: Speech Acts

Speech acts are commonly taken to include such acts as promising, ordering, greeting, warning, inviting and congratulating.”


Encode as Princeps


Thing: Event Maps


  1. Tim Boucher

    “For this reason, systems which track the status of PROMISES and REJECTED-PROPOSALS and ACCEPTED-PROMISES can help us to understand the situations in which (human or computer) AGENTS find themselves as they attempt to fulfill ROLES involving other agents, and such systems can facilitate both human and human–computer systems in achieving role-associated goals.”


  2. Tim Boucher


    Quotation: “The KQML message format and protocol can be used to interact with an intelligent system, either by an application program, or by another intelligent system. KQML’s “performatives” are operations that agents perform on each other’s knowledge and goal stores. Higher-level interactions such as contract nets and negotiation are built using these. KQML’s “communication facilitators” coordinate the interactions of other agents to support knowledge sharing.”

  3. Tim Boucher



    “To make agents understand each other they have to not only speak the same language, but also have a common ontology. An ontology is a part of the agent’s knowledge base that describes what kind of things an agent can deal with and how they are related to each other.”

  4. Tim Boucher

    e.g., product tree, feature map, agent’s available actions, required linked workflows (RLWF); Steps to resolution.

    Structured messaging and response transfer system. (SMARTS)

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