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Tag: global

Entity Class: New Arrival

As of today’s date, scientific reports are predicting some 1 Billion climate refugees as the Initial Crisis worsens. During the subsequent years, as those individuals, groups, families, and ethnic groups are set into motion on the global stage, they variously face challenges as first Refugees who crash regional Governance Systems and eventually as the Agglomeration Wars develop, become labelled New Arrivals, and may be classed as Other-Providers or Without Providers, subject to exclusion and other special measures, in contravention of the United Free Realms Universal Code.

In the coming days…

They made the announcement last night, that Elon Musk’s ‘Neural Lace’ (named after Ada Lovelace), would be hardwired into Puerto Rico’s rebuilding efforts, and Northern California’s aussi. The charger packs and everything — they were planning to fire blue and violet hued images of his face over the island, followed by the Lady. And peace and paper towels would rain down on the people the next day, and their wallets would be charged appropriate microtransactional forward fees…

The drones were out that very second, assessing the damage, surveying their maps, marking and re-measuring. You’ve seen the footage.

Them with their lettuce cannons, raining part-time easy jobs down on retirees in rural areas in regional Amazonal transfer and growth sites. We would all be interlinked. The global granny state. We could all sit home and talk to each other on the internet.

But even that was fading away…

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