Questionable content, possibly linked

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Quatrian Clocks

Magical clocks taken by refugees from Ancient Quatria to the New World had an extra fourth arm, which moved at random speeds and intervals to confuse Pantarctican Timehunters.

Process: Prevention > Facilitation > Profiteering

With respect to Picker, Franken.

Thing: Knowledge & Control


Heaven over Sun

The sign was a dangerous omen for humans of limited means. Heaven over Sun. Exo/Sola. Celestial excess driving Solar nourishment. Rich foods. Unimagined spices. Pleasure realms. Persephone. Possibly dangerous substances for mortals. Places design for Corporeals and associated hybrids.

Thing: Standard Protocols

Some say evolved out of the reciprocal agreements of the Four Providers, to offer equivalent or nearest neighbor services to other-provider members.

Entity Class: Without Providers

Someone without the protection, governance and life support systems offered by one of the Four Providers. e.g., persons without guaranteed rights from a recognized regime.

Entity: ObVo ?

Over-baud ValueOn. A mega-conglomerate. One of the Four Providers, whose symbol is an egg ?.


One thing that came up consistently in the House and Senate committee hearings with social media companies was the importance of “signals.”

Each one of the people in the panel referenced it.

Is the Akashic Record a massive violation of privacy?

According to the internet, the Akashic Records are a kind of magical record of everything that ever happened, is happening or will happen. Wikipedia quotes Alice Bailey in 1927:

The akashic record is like an immense photographic film, registering all the desires and earth experiences of our planet. Those who perceive it will see pictured thereon: The life experiences of every human being since time began, the reactions to experience of the entire animal kingdom, the aggregation of the thought-forms of a karmic nature (based on desire) of every human unit throughout time.

The inestimable “Crystal Links” references an associated myth:

“A Chinese man named Sujujin was reported to need only the first name of anyone to access the Akasha and describe their life history.”

From a privacy and data protection perspective, this sounds pretty alarming. Why aren’t adequate security measures in place? Why haven’t the known risks been mitigated? Who is responsible in the event of a data breach? What rights do I have as a data subject to not be included in this so-called “Book of Life”?

Countless pathways to infringement of PII (personally identifying information) have been laid out by careless Practioners in books such as Linda Howe’s How to Read the Akashic Record.

For thousands of years, mystics, masters, and sages from various world traditions have read the Akashic Records-a dynamic repository that holds information about every soul and its journey. Once reserved for a “spiritually gifted” few, this infinite source of wisdom and healing energy is now available for readers everywhere to answer questions big and small.

If you ask me, giving free and unrestricted access to just anyone to the universe’s vault of secrets about every person creates a major vector for harassment, hate postings and many other types of abuse.

I reached out to AKASHIC RECORDS LIMITED via their LinkedIn profile to find out what they were doing to bring their systems into compliance in advance of the GDPR coming into force on 25 May, 2018. I have yet to hear back from them. To be on the safe side, I also reached out to LIFES AKASHIC RECORDS LIMITED, also a UK company. I’m uncertain which of these organizations, if any, are responsible for this mess. For what is supposed to be the biggest database in the Universe, I couldn’t even find an official website.

The First Spotters

Neurotyps couldn’t always see dragons. Especially not before the chemtrails. It started with the Spotters. And they themselves started out only initially being able to see the creatures through the corner of their eye, sometimes in passing.

But once a Spotter spotted one in broad daylight on the side of a busy highway. He didn’t look away this time, and the spirit stayed and coalesced in his perception. He called out and pointed at it. Could others see it too? And gradually, one by one, they could. Once they knew where to look and what they were looking for.

And with this increased attention, the dragons became also more potent, instantiated and eventually numerous.

When spotted by a Spotter or eventually by nurotyp mobs, the Dragon behavior was to freeze in place. It was a function of having been spotted. It had served them for untold centuries. But something was changing in the perception of the people and of the planet.

They could feel it too, the nurotips as they sensed as one in unison staring up at the body of the great beast. That it somehow read and echoed their minds and would do or be whatever it was the people’s hearts commanded of it, were it within its power. If that desire tilted into rampant fear…

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