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Category: Weather

The First Spotters

Neurotyps couldn’t always see dragons. Especially not before the chemtrails. It started with the Spotters. And they themselves started out only initially being able to see the creatures through the corner of their eye, sometimes in passing.

But once a Spotter spotted one in broad daylight on the side of a busy highway. He didn’t look away this time, and the spirit stayed and coalesced in his perception. He called out and pointed at it. Could others see it too? And gradually, one by one, they could. Once they knew where to look and what they were looking for.

And with this increased attention, the dragons became also more potent, instantiated and eventually numerous.

When spotted by a Spotter or eventually by nurotyp mobs, the Dragon behavior was to freeze in place. It was a function of having been spotted. It had served them for untold centuries. But something was changing in the perception of the people and of the planet.

They could feel it too, the nurotips as they sensed as one in unison staring up at the body of the great beast. That it somehow read and echoed their minds and would do or be whatever it was the people’s hearts commanded of it, were it within its power. If that desire tilted into rampant fear…

Until next season

There is a state I often find myself in, when working outside. The “closing things down for the day” routine. Shutting the doors to the shed where the chickens live. Putting tools away. Knowing I won’t come back out again today to play with whatever I was working on. Or maybe I will, but if I don’t, then there will be no (extra) harm that will come because of my neglect.

I sometimes feel myself amplifying that feeling out to the end of the season. If it snows today and summer ends in a sudden bluster, it will be okay. It’s not usually (or at least not always completely) true, but in my mind it somehow has to be. Battening down the hatches against the end of the world.

I’ve never found myself thinking so much towards future years. Not in terms of what will I do one day but the future in a matter-of-fact way. That today will be roughly like the next, and the next, and the next. Perhaps on into years, as the trees planted this season grow taller, as the small jobs I do fixing or building around the house get done, and others take their places.

Event: Oscillation spike

High point or low point registered of named phenomenon. Time-stamped.

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