The AI books are getting out of hand. Published #47 this morning.
That one’s not a Quatria-related book, but I wanted to make a running list of the ones that are, presented in chronological order of their writing (narratively they don’t follow any particular order).
- The Lost Direction
- The Quatria Conspiracy
- Mysterious Antarctica
- Mysterious Tob Gobble
- Inside the Hypogeum
- (Beyond Atlantis)
- (The Shape Wars)
- Inside the Hollow Earth
- (Beyond Nibiru)
- The Island of Deception
- The Endless Knot
- (Mysterious Bigfoot)
Many other books in the set touch on fundamentally Quatrian themes, but above are the ones that are overtly set in that corner of the latent space. I put in parentheses the ones which to me are carrying some of the minor/less canonical aspects of this narrative, but are directly tied to it in either case.
For me as a world-builder, this is a great way of writing, because I can carve off specific aspects of the universe/multiverse, without having to try to wrangle everything into a single narrative. It’s very freeing, and I think gives the reader a lot of room to explore and make their own sense of it all.
Tim B.
up to 121 as of todays writing