The Brut Chronicle, also known as the Prose Brut, is the collective name of a number of medieval chronicles of the history of England. The original Prose Brut was written in Anglo-Norman; it was subsequently translated into Latin and English. The chronicle begins England’s history with the mythological founding of Britain by Brutus of Troy, named “Brut” in French and English; Brutus is the legendary great-grandson of Aeneas and his founding of Britain thus links that country to the grand history of Troy. […]
Originally a legendary chronicle written in Anglo-Norman in the thirteenth century (identified by the fact that some existing copies finish in 1272), the Brut described the settling of England by Brutus of Troy, son of Aeneas, and the reign of the Welsh Cadwalader.[7] In this, it was itself based on Geoffrey of Monmouth’s text from the previous century.[8] It also covered the reigns of many kings later the subject of legend, including King Cole, King Leir (the subject of Shakespeare’s play, King Lear), and King Arthur, and exists in both abridged and long versions.[7] Early versions describe the country as being divided, both culturally and politically, by the River Humber, with the southern half described as “this side of the Humber” and “the better part”.[9] Having been written at a time of division between crown and nobility, it was “baronial in its sympathies”.[10]
Source: Brut Chronicle – Wikipedia
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