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Prince’s Stone (Slovenian ceremony)

The peasant then had to give the duke a gentle blow on the cheek (un petit soufflet), after which the duke was allowed to draw his sword, mount the Stone and turn full circle, so as to face ritually in all directions. While this was being done, all had to sing the Slovenian Kyrie and praise God for the gift of a new ruler, in accordance with His divine will. Finally, the ruler had to be placed on horseback and conducted around the Stone three times.[2]

Source: Prince’s Stone – Wikipedia


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  1. Tim B.

    “After the death of the ruling duke, council of noblemen and kosezi (members of lower landed nobility or freeholders) elected a new duke and in the presence of the people, granted him authority. This took place with a festive inauguration on the Duke’s Stone, which stood in the courtyard of the Krn Castle. After the ceremony the duke and his escort crossed the field to the cathedral of Gospa Sveta (Maria Saal). Following the church ceremony and the blessing of the duke by the bishop, the company proceeded to the Ducal Throne – a two-seat stone throne standing not far from the church. The eastern seat was occupied by the duke who performed his first duties as the leader of his people. He pronounced judgements, rendered justice, bestowed fiefs and privileges associated with the lands and properties. The western seat was occupied by the Count Palatine, the king’s representative. His duty was supplementary; he resolved problems that were not concluded by the duke.”

    “The new duke arrives on the hill surrounded by nobles and knights and the Carantanian banner. With one hand he leads a black and white bull and with the other a horse of the same colours. He puts aside his precious vestments, the people dress him in a grey coat, and gird him with a red belt from which hangs a red hunting bag such as is suitable for the Master of the Hunts. He is given a hunting horn bound with red straps and they also put shoes wrapped with red thongs on his feet. He is then draped in a grey cloak and a grey Slovenian hat with a grey cord is placed on his head. A free peasant is sitting on the Prince’s Stone. This office belongs to him by right of succession, hereditary in his family. The duke carries in his hand a staff and comes forward. Alongside him walk the Count Palatine (the king’s representative) and other nobles.”

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