I’ve been following with great interest the current “flap” around drones/orbs/UAPs being sighted in both the night sky and broad daylight around the United States and the world. A lot more to say there, obviously, but one experiment I did was trying to get OpenAI’s generative AI video tool Sora to create “convincing” fakes in this genre which would cleanly match what we’re seeing from users on the street.

I uploaded about a dozen or so video results to Imgur, which you can see at the link as they can’t be embedded easily here.

These videos end up being interesting in their own right, and even – dare I say – “artistic” at times. But what I found is they look pretty much nothing like the videos we’re seeing uploaded regularly to platforms like Reddit & TikTok, etc. Doesn’t necessarily mean nobody is using gen AI to enhance (or even generate) some of the effects we’re seeing in these videos, but if they’re doing it, I have yet to see one that could be easily explained away as “Oh, that’s just AI.”