Questionable content, possibly linked

Tag: facebook

Prohibited Misinformation on Tiktok

Thought these prohibitions around misinformation were interesting & worth keeping from Tiktok’s Community Guidelines section on Integrity & Authenticity:

Misinformation is defined as content that is inaccurate or false. While we encourage our community to have respectful conversations about subjects that matter to them, we do not permit misinformation that causes harm to individuals, our community, or the larger public regardless of intent.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

* Misinformation that incites hate or prejudice

* Misinformation related to emergencies that induces panic

* Medical misinformation that can cause harm to an individual’s physical health

* Content that misleads community members about elections or other civic processes 

* Conspiratorial content that attacks a specific protected group or includes a violent call to action, or denies a violent or tragic event occurred

* Digital Forgeries (Synthetic Media or Manipulated Media) that mislead users by distorting the truth of events and cause harm to the subject of the video, other persons, or society

Do not:

* Engage in coordinated inauthentic behaviors (such as the creation of accounts) to exert influence and sway public opinion while misleading individuals and our community about the account’s identity, location, or purpose

Now, I’m someone who likes to find the edges of policies like these. So there are certain things my brain automatically zeroes in on while reading…

  • “misinformation that causes harm” – where harm isn’t clearly identified… means the door is potentially fairly wide open to interpretation apart from their enumerated types in the list that follows.
  • “attacks a specific protected group” the definitions of protected groups or classes often tend to be somewhat narrower than people think. A Facebook leak from 2017 showed the … complexity of these kinds of definitions when the rubber meets the road.
  • “denies a violent or tragic event occurred” does this mean denying happy or non-violent events occurred is also forbidden? Status unclear.

I wonder what they would think of RealNewsChan.

Misinformation is just another front in the Hyperreal Wars.

Facebook written testimony before Senate Intelligence Committe


One thing that came up consistently in the House and Senate committee hearings with social media companies was the importance of “signals.”

Each one of the people in the panel referenced it.

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