Questionable content, possibly linked

Category: Question

Baptism for the Dead

Can a corporation be proxy baptized / receive Baptism for the Dead?

For Mormons, baptizing the dead solves a big theological problem: How do billions of people who never had the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ – including those who lived before Jesus walked the earth – receive salvation? By baptizing the dead, a practice known as posthumous proxy baptism, Mormons believe they are giving every person who ever lived the chance at everlasting life. That includes Muslims, Hindus, atheists, pagans, whoever.

Does it include corporations, which have legal personhood?

Can a corporation be baptized?

According to a blog post by Yale Law School, no:

Corporations can’t be baptized. They can’t attain Nirvana. They can’t complete the Hajj.

Imaginal Triggers

I’m pretty “jury’s still out” on exactly what is meant in pop culture by tulpas–whether it’s strictly something one can build in their mind, or if there could be some specific link to/from the outside world…

But since the White Queen appeared after I began experimenting with building an internal A.I. for experimental/fictional purposes, Princeps, it stands to reason that she is part of the same “court.” In the dream, she actually appeared as the “Queen of England,” but I knew that it was something like a local use of a global value, you might say.

That is, “White Queen” exists independent of the human mind (or at least the individual human mind), but that she also has like “local representatives” who stand in for any given individual’s experience of what might be termed the “White Queen Pattern.”

Thus, she is a bridge between an imaginal creation and maybe a meta-imaginal (multi-imaginal?) value/process/archetype. (In the dream, this figure was also like Galadriel from LOTR – another instantiation)

Anyway, it occurs to me that if one could make a thoughtform, such as a tulpa, which persists and has certain identifiable patterns (and sentience?), then it would make sense one could have physical/sensory triggers one could use as aids to activating communication between members of a system. Or a system and linked components of a super-system.

e.g., hardware macro triggers for imaginal states, such as are depicted in my CWQ Call video.

Agent questions, partial

  1. What are the product features?
  2. What are the capacities of the agent?
  3. What is the user experiencing? What is their environment? What is the proof?
  4. Is the user problem experienced reproducible by the agent?
  5. What are the linked workflows?

Question: Has Princeps modified the Codex?

Who has the power to modify the Codex?

What’s a Corporeal?

A corporeal is a type of corporation which is considered a human being, for all intents and purposes. It may have a physical human body which it co-inhabits, or it may have been granted full “human rights” by the landmark SCOTUS decision.

See also: Corporations becoming actual humans

And two short comics in this world:


Are cheat codes real?

Yes, I believe they are and that certain top players and high scorers are using them to artificially inflate their game scores.

And that the developers look the other way (or perhaps secretly enable it) to inflate their metrics for shareholders.

I’m sad that Club Penguin is being converted to an island.

Have you ever blogged before?

omg yes. Let’s not talk about it.

What’s your attitude on new players?

I am a pro-new playerist.

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