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Entity: The Four Providers

The Four Who Remained.

After the Agglomeration Wars.

Factor 1109N: Husk Development Authority

The Husk Development Authority was granted letters patent from the Greater Polity, record of which was duly added to the register.

Within the affiliated domain of Husk, the HDA was god. Neither existed without the other. For the purpose of Husk was development. And the power behind the development was the Authority. And such was such and so was so.

The First Spotters

Neurotyps couldn’t always see dragons. Especially not before the chemtrails. It started with the Spotters. And they themselves started out only initially being able to see the creatures through the corner of their eye, sometimes in passing.

But once a Spotter spotted one in broad daylight on the side of a busy highway. He didn’t look away this time, and the spirit stayed and coalesced in his perception. He called out and pointed at it. Could others see it too? And gradually, one by one, they could. Once they knew where to look and what they were looking for.

And with this increased attention, the dragons became also more potent, instantiated and eventually numerous.

When spotted by a Spotter or eventually by nurotyp mobs, the Dragon behavior was to freeze in place. It was a function of having been spotted. It had served them for untold centuries. But something was changing in the perception of the people and of the planet.

They could feel it too, the nurotips as they sensed as one in unison staring up at the body of the great beast. That it somehow read and echoed their minds and would do or be whatever it was the people’s hearts commanded of it, were it within its power. If that desire tilted into rampant fear…

Trans-Oceanic Technological Union

The Trans-Oceanic Technological Union (TOTU) was an outgrowth of the Consortium for Rapid Technological Advancements (The Consortium) and came about originally as part of a planned judicial remedy favoring the Affected Nations after the Lesser Crisis through onward technology transfer (xfer).

In practice, the Multi-Technate Alliance used it as a way to extend and strengthen its Authority in resource extraction, allocation, and transfer.

Standard Protocols

Multi-branar agreement underpinning the Universal Free Realms, including access, transfer, and entity rights and privileges.

[This article is a stub. Improve it?]

[Locale] Metal Yurt in the desert

Entities & aspects:

  • Sliding metal door
  • Horse shoe
  • Interior darkness
  • Pedestal
  • Faint candle
  • Dove (still-frame hologram)
  • Dove (animal)
  • Fountain with witching water
  • Exterior desert
  • Holy book
  • Reading wand
  • Palm trees
  • Birdseed
  • Far door (interior)
  • Sky door beyond
  • 3 blobs
  • Pillars of light / crystal


Receptacle seen in Husk

TOTU Scanner

I am a Scanner for TOTU. The Trans Oceanic Technological Union. The year is 2020. They say hindsight is 20/20, but the year so far certainly isn’t.

I inspect anomalous packets and attempt to validate their branar densities before approving or denying forward traffic.


Green angel

Spotted in the trees, twice. Shifting forms in wind, reveal at turns sacred and grotesque forms. May form faces and bodies.

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